Interviewed by the Supreme Council

The Christian Restoration Freemasonry Databank

Introduction to Freemasonry

1 Peter 2:5 ..and like living stones be yourselves built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Christ Jesus.”

This verse and others are used in Masonic ceremonies.

Except that the name of Jesus Christ is, in every case… removed. A church report into Freemasonry commented. ‘Frequently in Masonic ritual the inspired Word of God is seriously mutilated, and in many instances this mutilation consists in the omission of the name of Jesus Christ.

In Mackey’s Masonic Ritualist the name of Christ is omitted from 1 Peter 2:5 (p. 271), 2 Thessalonians 3:6 (p. 348), and 2 Thessalonians 3:12 (p. 349). With reference to the elision of the Savior’s name from 1 Peter 2:5 the following explanation is offered: “The passages are taken, with slight but necessary modifications from the First Epistle of Peter” (p. 272).

The reason for this modification is obvious. Masonry does not claim to be Christian but, on the contrary, purports to be the essence of all religions; therefore, its ritual has no place for distinctly Christian material.
That the omission of the Name which is above every name is described as a slight but necessary modification speaks volumes.  (The Orthodox Presbyterian Church)

Sharing this is not meant to attack someone who might be a member, but to educate them or a potential member. Getting involved with this secret organization leads one against Jesus.

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