As I look at what is happening in the USA, It is becoming very clear what is coming upon us.

Look at how society is removing morals.

Criminals assault whomever they wish, Individuals and groups run in and rob businesses and very little if anything is being done to stop it.

In some schools children are taught that what the Bible says is evil. I know those words aren’t used, but lets look how their doing it. LBQTE, Transgenderism, and Abortion are the correct choices. This is just part of it. Our society is removing respect for God’s ways and turning it into a love for what it was like in the days of Noah.

Because of the illegal open border we really have no idea of how many millions have crossed over. Many are being given food, phones, money and shelter. The death toll from drugs alone is over 100,000.

Certainly last but not least Biden has shut down much of our national energy production. We are seeing the religion of Climate Change. Our nation is being transformed into a 3rd world nation….

If your a Christian, you must remember we belong to the God who created everything. No matter what, Jesus is always with us. If your not a Christian, please look at this article. Your eternity is what’s at stake.

It looks like we are going into the tribulation. The world will change, Satan and his followers will cause much damage. What Hitler did {the evil} will spread worldwide. Have peace in the knowledge that the Bible told us what is coming. Pray for protection and also for those doing evil.

In the end of it all we will be with Lord Jesus. God bless

1 Thessalonians 3:12 And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all, just as we do to you, 13 so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints.

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